Sisecam among the Sponsors of the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize
Since was created in 1935, the Sisecam Group is among the first industrial companies in Turkey and one of the best companies that represent Turkish industry worldwide. Today the Sisecam Group is a global player in flat glass, glassware with own brand, packaging and fiberglass up to raw materials for the chemical industry including soda and chromium, with about 22.000 employees.
The Group produces in 14 countries including Italy, operating with commercial channels in more than 150 countries, confirming itself as the leading producer of flat glass in Europe.
In 2016 and 2018 Sisecam reached another important milestone in the European flat glass by acquiring two production plants in the North and South of Italy, respectively in San Giorgio di Nogaro and in Manfredonia.
Sisecam consolidates operations in Italy with a long-term approach, creating investments and new jobs in the Italian economy with its sustainable added values.